
Listing of dates of importance and special interest to the ICRB.


  • Volunteer firefighters & emergency medical technicians covered for WC medical benefits (IC 36-8-12-10)
  • Real estate professionals not employees if 3 conditions met (IC 22-3-6-1)


Schedule Rating Plan effective in Indiana


ICRB subscriber fee set at $750 at Governing Board meeting


  • Assigned Risk Surcharge 25% “for policies with premium in excess of $2,000”
  • Competitive rating law: advisory rates deemed approved after 30 days
  • Withdrawal of Indiana Additional Medical Benefits Endorsement WC 13 03 01


Ownership rule – need change to all 3 to exclude experience: owner, class, hazard


WCIP deposit changed to: <$5K=100%; $5-10K=75%+1pay; >$10K=50%+3pay


  • Indiana deductible/coinsurance law enacted
  • Assigned Risk Take-out Credit Program effective in Indiana


Stopped filming ratings in ICRB risk files


HB 1765 defined independent contractors:1) Affidavit of Exemption required for contractors in construction trades;2) Owner operators subject to IC 8-2.1-18-46, 45 IAC 16-1-13, or 49CFR 1057 


Charge for inspection; members $120; non-members $175; (also see 6/1/95 and 1/1/98 entries) 


Rostered Volunteers new class code 7698 


  • Charge for rates
  • WCIP charge for Waiver of Subrogation – Item W-8015, 5% of manual prem for waiver work; $250 min prem


Stopped assigning LHWCA, FELA, & Jones Act coverage for OH & WV risks 


A-rated codes eliminated 


Charge for inspection change to hourly rate $85 (also see 7/1/88 and 1/1/98 entries)


  • Expiration of $5 policy filing fee for the WC Board
  • Continuous policy permitted IC 22-3-5 (c) (6) eff 7/1/95 under Public Law 217-1995


Suspended Item E-1324 ER Plan – Distribution of ER Worksheet; use LOAs only; filing withdrawn 12/19/95 LOA E-1324 ltr 12-15-95.PDF]


Revised Premium Discount Program


Interchange of Labor rule: can split employee’s payroll (except 8810 & 8742)


Trucking split into 2 codes: 7228 local within 200 miles & 7229 long haul


Purged microfiche files with no activity since 1990


  • New ICRB/NCCI contract
  • No charge for inspections (also see 7/1/88 and 6/1/95 entries)
  • WC Board of Indiana adopted NCCI Proof of Coverage (POC) program


New ICRB logo


ICRB website established


ERA – Experience Rating Adjustment; removed 70% of medical only claims from mod


ICRB now accepts KY agents on Indiana AR apps due to KY law change


ICRB minimum charge to subscriber or inactive member is $250 per year


Quarterly Residual Market Expiration Lists, beginning with the 1999 3rd Quarter on ICRB website


  • HEA 2085 adds school to work students as employees; policy to show 2nd Injury Fund surcharge
  • Hartford begins as assigned risk servicing carrier for volunteer fire companies thru 12/31/2001


Monthly Residual Market New Risk Lists, beginning with Jan – Jun 1999 on ICRB website.


De-activated credit card machine. Email future transactions to NCCI.


HEA 1050 made these changes to the WC Act:

  • Requires employer/insurer to reimburse employee for lost work due to medical treatments or travel to and from place of treatment based on average daily wage (IC 22-3-3-4)
  • Added definition (IC 22-3-6-1) that recognizes both the lessee and lessor of employees as the employer.

“A parent or a subsidiary of a corporation or a lessor of employees shall be considered to be the employer of the corporation’s, the lessee’s, or the lessor’s employees for purposes of IC 22-3-2-6.”

  • Limits employee claims for bad faith or lack of diligence to $20,000 for the duration of that claim.


  • For assigned risk applications, receipt at bank means receipt by ICRB
  • Began date stamping assigned risk applications and envelopes
  • Purged microfiche files with no activity since 1993, and no inspection or ownership since 1985


Advisory rates, beginning with 1/1/2000, 7/1/2000, and 1/1/2001 on ICRB website.


ICRB’s Indiana Fun Facts database added to website.


New “Final Notice” letter for assigned risk applications implemented.


ICRB now advises servicing carriers to accept premium finance company’s notice to cancel as the insured’s request, provided a properly worded power of attorney clause is present in the finance agreement.


Start assigning residential cleaning service business to code 9014 instead of 0917 per DRC decision.


LSRP threshold lowered from $200,000 to $100,000.


Start adding agency name and address to monthly New Risk Lists.


Terrorism rate of $0.02 and loss cost of $0.01 effective. Item Filing B-1383 “Catastrophe Provision-Certified Terrorism Losses (as defined in Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002)


Terrorism rate of $0.02 for assigned risk business effective.


Premium threshold for assigned risk surcharge of 25% raised from $2,000 to $2,500.


Discontinued microfilming documents and implemented SharePoint document imaging and content management system.


Revised assigned risk deposit premium rule effective.


Changed name of online reference library from “Indiana Fun Facts” to “CompClues.”


Adopted internal procedure to not bind coverage for multi-state PEO’s. Decision made because it is difficult for us to be aware of other state requirements on registering and licensing of PEO’s prior to obtaining insurance.


Indiana Assigned Risk Reinsurance Pool (Indiana Pool) created. Assigned risk policies cover “Indiana only” exposure along with the standard Residual Market Limited Other States Insurance Endorsement (WC 00 03 26 A).


For HVAC contractors applying for assigned risk coverage, assign all payroll to code 5536. Some exceptions may apply. This helps the transition to the new code 5537 effective 1/1/05 in NCCI states, and effective 1/1/06 in Indiana. Code 5537 will use the rate for 5536 for the first few years. See Item Filing B-1391 effective 1/1/06.


Meeting dates, time and locations are posted on our website under the “Members’ Info” tab.


ICRB logo now appears on Indiana intrastate experience rating worksheets produced by NCCI system.


Second Injury Fund: HEA Act 1307 revised assessment provisions of IC 22-3-3-13, providing:

  • Assessment limit of 2.5% is now based on total paid losses instead of only indemnity losses.
  • Total losses are from all entities (carriers, other insuring entities, and self-insureds).
  • Assessment applies to “all employers.”
  • Assessment for insured employers (carriers) is calculated by determining the percentage share of an individual carrier’s premium to all carriers premium.
  • Assessment for self-insureds is calculated by determining the percentage share of a self-insured’s paid losses to all self-insureds’ paid losses.


A PEO can mix its clients with some in the voluntary market and some in the assigned risk market. This is a change in ICRB procedure which before required all clients in Indiana with a PEO must enter the assigned risk market or none at all.


New member administration system installed on ICRB website to manage registered users to protected pages.


Second Injury Fund: HEA 1452 clarified statute wording by replacing the term “entire written premium…” with “direct written premium” which is consistent with the WC Board’s notice and certification letter issued 11/28/06. This corrected wording from HEA 1307 effective 07/01/2006.


NCCI is eliminating all hard copy binder packages to speed delivery to assigned carriers. Effective January 1, 2009, all binder packages will be sent electronically only. Assigned carriers should ensure that they are prepared for the electronic delivery.


NCCI will process requests from customers (carriers, agents, employers) for Indiana experience rating mods and worksheets.


HB 1701 amends definition of “employee” in IC 22-3-6-1(b)(1) to provide that a sole officer of a corporation may elect not to be an employee of the corporation. The officer must serve written notice of the election on the corporation’s insurance carrier and the WC Board.Note: Effective 07/01/14, SB 294 provides that any officer of a corporation may now elect to exclude himself/herself from the WC Act. For more information, please see ICRB Circular 2009-05, and ICRB Circular 2010-09. The Indiana Code is available on the State of Indiana website at this address:


The WC Board revised its form WCE-1 “Application for Worker’s Compensation Clearance Certificate” State Form 45899 (R6 / 12-09). The form is now available for use a sole officer of a corporation to exclude himself/herself from employee status for workers compensation insurance purposes. 

The Board’s website home page, under the “News and Notices” section also states: “Effective immediately, any independent contractor, regardless of trade, may be granted a clearance certificate. The Indiana Department of Revenue must still approve the application.” Previously, only contractors in the construction trades were granted clearance certificates.

You may also access the Board’s website to view the “Independent Contractors” web page and the WCE-1 Clearance Certificate.


Successful live test of business continuity plan with all staff working remotely.


Through an arrangement with Perr & Knight, the ICRB began posting a rate guide report that tracks carrier filings of rates, loss cost multipliers (LCMs), and class specific deviations that are submitted to the Indiana Department of Insurance (DOI).


The assigned risk surcharge was revised to charge employers a 25% surcharge on only that portion of premium in excess of $2,500.

The assigned risk deposit was revised. When estimated annual premium is at Least $25,000, the deposit is 25% and then eight monthly payments, instead of eleven.


We clarified our procedure on processing sole corporate officer exclusions.

Background: For a sole corporate officer to exclude himself or herself, per IC 22-3-6-1(b) (1), “…the officer must serve written notice of the election on the corporation’s insurance carrier and the board.” the WC Board revised its form WCE-1 “Application for Worker’s Compensation Clearance Certificate” State Form 45899 (R6 / 12-09) for use by a sole officer of a corporation to exclude himself/herself.The applicant is responsible for submitting the clearance certificate to the State. The approved clearance certificate should be submitted with the application.

For written notice, the WC Board revised its form WCE-1 “Application for Worker’s Compensation Clearance Certificate” State Form 45899 (R6 / 12-09) for use by a sole officer of a corporation to exclude himself/herself.

Procedure: The applicant is responsible for submitting the clearance certificate to the State. The approved clearance certificate should be submitted with the application.The applicant is responsible for submitting the clearance certificate to the State. The approved clearance certificate should be submitted with the application. If the clearance certificate is not yet completed or approved, we need at least a copy of the signed form before binding the application.

Once we have the signed form, we can assume it is pending approval by the State and we can bind coverage. We will make a note to the servicing carrier that the form is pending approval. The servicing carrier may make a business decision to:

  • assume the sole corporate officer is not exempt and charge premium for the exposure, until the exclusion is official, or
  • allow a reasonable time (30 days) for the State to approve the clearance certificate. After that, it would be appropriate for the carrier to charge the employer for the officer’s coverage until the exclusion is official (clearance certificate approved and received)

Remodeled ICRB website went live.


LSRP threshold increased from $100,000 to $250,000.
The advisory fixed payroll amount for sole proprietors, partners, and LLC members was eliminated. These business owners who elect to be covered are now treated the same as an executive officer for premium determination purposes and are subject to the same advisory maximum and minimum payroll limitations.


First tweet on Twitter.


Began uploading all documents as PDF files in RMAPS and stopped mailing paper to servicing carriers.


Assigned Risk Deposit Rule 4-I—Initial or Deposit Premium and Premium Installments in Basic Manual revised as result of Item RM-W-8042. Take note of the “due in month” wording. These installment payments are not semi-annual, quarterly and monthly in the traditional sense. 


Added Google Site Search feature to ICRB Website. 


Indiana experience rating nine digit IDs now begin with “131” because we used up all numbers beginning with “130”.  


We will accept the signature of an insurance agent on the State Form 36097 “Election Form”. The form may be signed by “the employer or authorized agent”. For further explanation, please see the CompClues document titled “Board Forms”. 


ICRB staff began using the NCCI ERMA system that replaced RIS & ENOTES. 


Indiana law implements a medical fee schedule at 200% of Medicare. 


SB 294 provides that any officer of a corporation may now elect to exclude himself/herself from the WC Act. For more information, please see ICRB Circular 2009-05, and ICRB Circular 2010-09


ICRB minimum assessment of $250 per year is discontinued in 2015 by a Board vote. It was implemented in 1999. 


New mailing address for Assigned Risk ApplicationsRegular Mail: NCCI—Indiana, Attn: Treasury Department, PO Box 3045, Boca Raton, FL 33431Overnight Delivery: NCCI—Indiana, Attn: Treasury Department, 901 Peninsula Corporate Circle, Boca Raton, FL 33487-1362 


Indiana law requires coverage for police reserve officers; new Indiana special classification code 7732 


New Indiana assigned risk rule to define “Reasonable Offer of Voluntary Coverage.” If a voluntary coverage offer is higher than the assigned risk total estimated annual premium, then the employer would still qualify for assigned risk coverage. See ICRB Circular 2017-09.  


Experience rating eligiblility amounts slightly increase to $2,750 average or $5,500 in one year. Here’s a table summarizing the changes: 

DateAverage annual subject premiumOne Year in experience period
Prior to 07/01/18$2,500$5,000
As of 07/01/18$2,750$5,500


For assigned risk applications, when reviewing outstanding premium obligation, the ICRB established a procedure to only look back three years. For older years, it could be difficult for employers to reconcile payroll records.

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