
Information on Volunteer coverage in WC

There are two​ groups of volunteers in Indiana that can each be covered in a different manner. The two groups are rostered volunteers and volunteer firefighters.

Rostered Volunteers

Under Indiana law, a government unit may elect to cover volunteers for medical benefits. Per Indiana Code 22-3-2-2.1, the unit (county, municipality, or township) must establish a roster (list of the volunteers) to be covered. The law excludes volunteer firefighters, emergency medical technicians, and inmates as rostered volunteers.

The Indiana​​ Code is available on the State of Indiana website.
Rostered volunteers are assigned to Indiana state special code 7698 “Rostered volunteers – medical only & drivers.” This code was created March 1, 1994. For governmental units in Indiana, this code is assigned to volunteers. This procedure is an exception to the generic rules on volunteers found in the Basic Manual, Rule 2.J., which states: “Premum must be determined on the basis of the payroll normally received by and the classification assigned to nonvolunteer employees doing the same or similar work.​”

This coverage is not automatic, so to validate the election, we suggest that the carrier:

  • add code 7698 to the class schedule with estimated remuneration
  • attach the Sole Proprietors, Partners, Officers, Others Coverage Endorsement (WC 00 03 10) and designate those to be covered as “rostered volunteers”

Volunteer Firefighters

Volunteer firefighters and emergency medical technicians are covered under the statute for medical and burial expense benefits (IC 36-8-12-10).
 A volunteer fire company (VFC) is properly classified under code 7711—Firefighters & Drivers—Volunteer.  Please refer to the “Volunteer Fi​​refighters” document for more information.

Premium Determination

Except as otherwise provided, premium must be determined on the basis of the payroll normally received by and the classification assigned to nonvolunteer employees doing the same or similar work, as directed by Basic Manual, Rule BM‐TYPV‐R7F9A.